Benefits of a Custom Shower Remodel

Nothing can transform your bathroom quite like a custom shower remodel. Not only do they look much better than a standard tub and shower combo, but custom showers are also designed with safety and accessibility in mind. Continue reading to … Continued

Storage Tips for Your Bathroom Remodeling Project

When it comes to the master bathroom, planning a remodel is usually an uncomplicated process because you’re not constrained by the dimensions of a room. However, for additional bathrooms, the undersized space can present limitations during

Bathroom Design Tips for the Summer

Indiana homeowners can rejoice that they no longer have to shovel snow out of their driveway anymore. While you’re working on creating a beautiful exterior for the warmer climate, consider updating the interior of the house as well. Now that … Continued

Brighter Bathrooms Make Happier Homeowners

The bathroom can be considered a utilitarian space reserved for washing up and taking care of business. This doesn’t have to be the case, however. If you brighten up your bathroom, you may find yourself spending more time in there … Continued

A Bathroom Threat

Your bathrooms may be at risk. Some bathrooms are extending open invitations to thousands of tiny visitors that have the potential to make you extremely sick—and even take over your home—if left to their own devices. The menace is mold.

Operation Organization

Start the new year out right with an organized bathroom. Whether you consider it a new year’s resolution or a late Christmas present to yourself, hiring a bathroom remodeler to renovate your powder room will help organize and increase efficiency … Continued

Deck the Halls—and Your Bathroom

With Thanksgiving come and gone, Christmas is right around the corner. This means that if you volunteered to host a holiday party, now is the time to begin readying your home for the influx of people. While picking the perfect … Continued

Maximizing Space in Tiny Bathrooms

Unfortunately, there is no bathroom remodeler fairy that can wave a wand and magically add square footage to your bathroom. However, if you want to make your small bathroom feel larger—without actually enlarging it—keep reading. Below are several tips that … Continued